Saturday, January 19, 2013

Being Busy VS. Saying You Are

We all have busy days. Days where we feel overwhelmed with things to do. Days where we feel as if we can never catch a break. Days where we feel so tired and frustrated. Days where we wish time would just STOP!

Unfortunately, we seem to use the word "busy" as an excuse to not do other things. Seriously, think about it. When is the last time you said or heard someone say "I can't I am just too busy" or "Sorry, I have been so busy lately I haven't had time!" Not that long ago right???

I don't know about you, but I tired of hearing it. People (including myself) say they are busy, but really they aren't. I mean yes, we had that one really big thing to do that day, and yes it may have taken up a lot some of our time, but were we really that busy to pick up the phone, or to call someone back? Probably not. 

So next time you think about using the "excuse" I am too busy, think about all the other things you did that day. Are you really too busy or are you just saying you are?

Just something to think about! 

Until next time, 

The Shindelshowers

P.S. I cooked a legit meal the other night, I will share more with you next time! 

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